The Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo (UNITE), was founded in 2013 as joint establishment of the former Department of Food Science (2002) and Faculty of Agriculture (1998), boosts research and education in the agrofood sector in a multidisciplinary framework. The Food technology Research Unit comprises scientists with a long experience on food processing, in particular on fruit and vegetables by conventional (heat treatments, freezing, drying, osmotic dehydration) and innovative (high pressure, vacuum impregnation, milling) technologies as well as quality properties including the technological, sensory and health ones. UNITE has been/is partner of many national and international projects funded by public institutions as well as developed in collaboration with regional, national and international food industries in the food processing, quality and product design and development. UNITE hosts several laboratories equipped with the main analytical instruments including GCMS, GCFID, HPLCs, Electronic Noses, Ion Exchange Chromatography, FTIRSpectrophotometer, DSCcalorimeters (2), Instron dynamometer, Laser Granulometer, Light Microscopes, Image Analysis system, tensiometer and interfacial rheology equipment, spectrophotocolorimeters, rheometer, LCMSMS, MALDITOFTOF. Among the technological facilities the following are included: High Pressure dinamyc Homogenizer; airvapour combined oven; freezedryers; planetary micromilling apparatus, atmosphere
packaging facilities; vacuum Impregnation; freezers. All the instruments and equipments will be made available for the activities planned in WP3 as part of WP5.