Uni Kassel (Coordinator)

The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is situated at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel, which focuses on research and education in the area of Organic Agriculture as well as sustainable rural development with regional and international references. The department has longstanding experience in postharvest food handling, processing and drying technologies and currently hosts more than 40 PhD candidates from 17 nations, where experience in international collaboration, even on a large scale, is based on several major grants obtained within the last five years, including the Core Organic Plus project SusOrganic. The department’s two major focuses are on post harvest technologies and processing as well as irrigation in agrobased systems. Several projects have been conducted on the improvement of drying methods and energy supply including renewable energy systems (RES) and on a variety of irrigation technologies spanning from classical irrigation to novel, subsurface irrigation systems. Another area of focus is in the development of optical, acoustical and other measurement and control systems as well as software tools for agricultural applications.